Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nutrition Month Celebration

Sa Pagkaing Tama at Sapat, Wastong Timbang ni Baby Ang Katapat

The physical changes that you go yo through from the time you were born to adulthood are numerous. During this time of rapid growth from the time u were born to about 18 years old, your diet must provide you with the nutrients needed for growth and development. They are also essential for daily maintenance and activity. The problem is that there are other factors that influence your food in take other than the essential nutrients.

When you were younger, whatever food prepared on the dining table was the basic of the food you consumed. However, individual taste plays a significant role in food choices. As you grow, influences from the outside world also grow. As soon as you started schooling, your mother was no longer in control or even aware of what you ate along with the other children. The packed lunches your mother started to be left untouched or where trade for more appealing foods.

Children need energy and protein for growth and maintenance. During this stage, growth and metabolic rate decrease but total need for energy and protein increases. This brought about by an increasing body size. Fluid requirements increase in proportion to energy requirements. By one year old, a child's kidney have matured and the fluid lost through evaporation has decreases so fluid requirements are similar to those of adult's:2 ml of fluid per k calorie of energy consumed.

What you eat as a child depends on what you have learned to eat and your personal preference. A well-balanced eating pattern enables you to meet nutritional needs for the much desired growth and development.


  1. uhm.hi! nice work but then you should check your spelling....grrrrrrrrrr!haha

  2. .., nice post.,.,
    .,keep up the good work., :)♥

  3. cess : hahahahha ..

    aubreY : THANKS !!!

  4. bakit dalawa lang??
    nice one by the way

  5. bakit dalawa lang? bitin ..ok nice post

  6. uy..oo nga bat dalawa lang...gawin mu lahat ng requirements.hehe...but,,,you made a good start and good work in your essay..god bless
